Evaluation of egg quality from Exotic and local chicken farm gate and market in Lume district Oromia region, Ethiopia


Alemayehu Guteta Sufe

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Bishoftu Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 32, Bishoftu, Ethiopia



The study aimed evaluation of egg quality from the exotic and local chicken farm gate and market in lume district Oromia region, Ethiopia. A total of 120 eggs from local and exotic chicken were collected, 60 local eggs from farm gate and market (30 eggs from three kebele farm gate and 30 eggs from three market place) and 60 exotic eggs from farm gate and market (30 eggs from three kebele farm gate and 30 eggs from three market place). There was a significant difference (p>0.05) in eggshell thickness among the two genotypes and the two management systems. The result in mm was (0.32 and 0.32) of from market and exotic higher than local and farm gate (0.30 and 0.29), respectively. The result obtained of Hough unit from farm gate (79.6), exotic (77.3), local (76.6) significantly difference at (p<0.05) from the market (74.3). Yolk index was an egg from farm gate (0.44) and exotic (0.43) significantly difference at (p<0.05) from, local (0.42) and from the market (0.40). Egg weight was significantly and positively correlated (P<0.05) with most of other external egg quality traits like; egg weight with egg length, egg weight with egg width (breadth), egg length with and egg width (breadth). A phenotypic correlation between internal and external egg quality traits statistically significant positive correlation (P<0.05) was observed in between egg length with yolk height, egg width (breath) with yolk height, egg width (breath) with yolk diameter, yolk index with Haugh unit and yolk index with yolk height. In all egg from market and exotic higher mean value in egg weight, shape index, shell thickness whereas egg from local, exotic, farm gate higher mean value Hough unit.

Keywords: Egg Quality, Exotic, Local, farm gate, Market



With an estimated population of 19 billion and about three chickens per person, domestic chicken is the most numerous livestock species in the world (The Economist, 2011). Poultry contributes about 30% of all animal protein consumed in the world Permin and Pedersen (2000). Moreover, they share 34.6% of the global livestock meat consumption, chicken account for 88% of the global poultry meat and 30.1% global animal meat (FAO, 2012). The International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI (2000) has estimated that by the year 2015 poultry will account for 40% of all animal protein. Village poultry is a valuable asset to local populations throughout Africa and they contribute to food security, poverty alleviation and promote gender equality, especially in the disadvantaged groups (HIV/AIDS infected and affected people, women, poor farmers) and less favored areas of rural Africa where the majority of the poor people reside (RSHD, 2011).

Ethiopia has a huge chicken population with a total population of about 56.1 million which plays a significant role in human nutrition and as an income source (CSA, 2018). A large amount of national egg and poultry meat production is contributed from the traditional poultry production system. The dominant proportion of the national poultry meat and eggs are produced under the scavenging family poultry production systems using low-producing indigenous breeds. Chicken under scavenging management total egg productions per hen per year was 76 regardless of breed type (Alemayehu et al., 2020). However, exotic breeds in intensive production systems are contributing to an increasing share of production. In 2016, exotic breeds contributed to more than 27 percent of the total number of eggs produced nationally, despite they constitute only 9 percent of the total national flock (FAO 2019). The average scavenging chicken flock size was layers, cock, pullet, cockerels, chicks and total indigenous flock size per household were 5.39, 2.37, 4.81, 3.94, 6.86, and 15.62 respectively (Alemayehu et al., 2018).

Fisseha (2009) has stated that village chicken production plays a strategic role and occupies a unique position in terms of its contribution to the provision of high-quality protein foods and additional income to rural smallholder farming families. Ethiopia with the annual estimated production of 41,000 tons of eggs and 61,840 tons of chicken meat contributed only 0.1% share of the global production and 9.7% egg and 11.73% chicken meat of East Africa respectively, (FAOSTAT, 2016). As far as egg consumption is concerned, it has been accepted worldwide as a staple food and included as an important ingredient in a balanced human diet. The quality trait of an egg is those that affect its acceptability to the consumer. The quality of an egg depends on the physical makeup and chemical composition of its constituent namely eggshell, albumen, and yolk. The internal quality of egg involves the quality of yolk and albumen, which were influence by breeding, feeding, housing, and management, (Ponap C.G. 1982.) Therefore, is designed to contribute to filling the gap and set with the following objectives: To evaluate the external and internal qualities of eggs from farm gate collected from different sources in the Lume district.



Description of Study Area

The study was conducted in Oromia regional state; East Shewa zone Lumedistrict where which is one of the mandate areas of the Livestock and Irrigation Value chains for Ethiopian Smallholders (LIVES) project. The district was bordered on the South by the Koka Reservoir, on the West by Ada’aChukala, on the North West by Gimbichu, on the North by East Adama town. The capital town of the district is Modjo which is located 70 km South-East of Addis Ababa. Due to the geographical proximity of the Lume to Addis Ababa, it has a great advantage for market access for both agricultural and industrial products.

Sampling Method  

The activity was an analysis of the internal and external quality of marketable eggs of local and exotic chicken (eggs that are not used for hatching purposes) collected from the farm gate and market of Lumedistrict. Sixty local eggs from farm gate and market (30 eggs from three kebele farm gate and 30 eggs from three market place) and 60exoticeggs from the farm gate and market (30 eggs from three kebele farm gate and 30 eggs from three market place)total of 120 eggs from local and exotic chicken were collected for egg quality.

Data Collection

Egg Quality Traits; Egg samples were collected from farmer’s gates and markets then transported to DZARC laboratory to evaluate internal and external egg quality traits.

i. External egg quality indicators

a. Egg weight were taken by using a sensitive balance (g)

b. Egg shape index (%)

The length (mm) and breadth (mm) of each egg was taken using a digital caliper meter and the egg shape index was calculated using the following definition (Panda, 1996)


                                   Egg breadth (mm)

Egg shape index (%)=------------------------ x 100

                                     Egg length (mm)

c. Egg shell thickness (mm), using digital caliper

For measuring shell thickness, the shell was cleaned using tissue paper and air-dried at room temperature. After 24 hours, three pieces of the shell were taken from the narrow side (sharp region), the middle side (equatorial region), and the broad-end side (blunt region) of each egg, and shell membranes were removed and then measured by a digital caliper meter. The shell thickness (mm) was calculated as an average of the thicknesses of the three pieces.

d. Eggshell color by visual observation


ii. Internal egg quality indicators

a.      Haugh Unit (HU)

The HU is used to determine the quality (firmness) of the egg white (albumen). The albumen height was taken by breaking an egg on a glass upon a table. The height was measured using an albumen height meter (dial compressor gauge) on the middle of thick albumen on both sides opposite to the chalazae as an average of two sides. HU was calculated as the ratio between egg weight and albumen height (mm).

The Individual HU was calculated using the formula albumen height and egg weight (Haugh, 1937)

HU = 100 log (AH + 7.57 – 1.7EW 0.37) Where:

AH = Measured Albumen Height in mm and

 EW = Egg Weight in grams.


b.     Yolk index

Yolk index is a measure of the standing-up quality of the yolk. It is obtained by dividing the height of the yolk by its diameter. The measurements were made after the egg was broken on a glass upon a table. The same semi-automatic device, which was used for albumen height, measured the yolk height; measuring the distance between the glass plate and the top of the yolk of the broken egg. Yolk diameter was measured horizontally using a digital caliper meter. Yolk height and yolk diameter was used to calculate yolk indices of the eggs following the formula (Panda, 1996)

                        Yolk Height (mm)

Yolk Index =       ---------------------------

                       Yolk Diameter (mm)


c.      Yolk color by measured using color fun, range 1-15

The color of the yolk is important to the consumer and is greatly influenced by the feed given to the chicken. Egg yolk colors were described by Roche Color Fan. The Roche Color Fan comprises the range of yolk colors as produced under conventional, natural feeding conditions. It consists of a series of fifteen colored plastic strips, varying from a very pale yellow to a deep, intense reddish-orange. They thus provide an objectively defined color standard for the evaluation of egg yolk. Yolk color was determined by adjusting the score of the yolk color fan. The score was recorded after the albumen and yolk height were measured for each of the eggs under the test.

d.     Albumen height (mm), using tripod micrometer

e.      Presence of blood spot and meat spot by candling

Statistical Analysis

The qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed using appropriate statistical analysis software (SPSS, version 20). The Duncan multiple range test and LSD were used to locate treatment means that are significantly different. Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to describe chicken production performance and egg quality indicators. Also mean, SD, and percentage are statistics summarized. The phenotypic correlation values related to the breed and internal and external egg quality traits were determined by the Pearson Correlation Analysis and SAS for indicating the significant difference.



Egg Quality Study

A variety of egg quality parameters were considered and analyzed for this specific study. Some of these internal and external egg quality parameters identified included: egg weight, shell thickness, shape index, shell color, yolk color, Haugh unit, albumen height, and yolk height. All the external egg quality results evaluated in this study were presented in (Table 31). Internal and external egg equality of two genotypes and two management determined after collecting from three kebeles and three market place.  The external and internal qualities of an egg are of major importance to the egg industry worldwide. However, they are not being given due attention in the developing world, where the majority of the eggs are coming from free scavenging village chicken, as compared to that of the developed world (Juliet, 2004).

External egg quality

The study indicates that egg weight significantly differences at (p<0.05) across the exotic 56.8g higher than farm gate (51.8g), higher than the market (49.8g), and higher than local chicken (44.9g)(Table1). The difference might be because of breed type and egg which found at the market was big size. The result was greater than Misbaet al.,(2011) reported that the RIR x Local had egg weight (44.2g) than Fayomi x Local (40.0g) and Local (38.3g) from Berea Watershed in Guraghe zone, Southern Ethiopia and Ethiopian naked-neck chickens under intensive management produced eggs with an average weight of 44.4g (Aberra, 2000) which is comparable with local chicken but lower than that of exotic chicken, farm gate and market eggs in the study area.

There was a significant difference (p>0.05) in eggshell thickness among the two genotypes and the two management systems. The result in mm was (0.32 and 0.32) of from market and exotic higher than local and farm gate (0.30 and 0.29), respectively. This result was similar to Misbaet al., (2011) eggshell thickness in mm was (0.31, 0.30, and 0.31) for Fay x Local, RIR x Local, and Local, respectively. Hocking et al. (2003) reported no significant difference in eggshell thickness of commercial and traditional breeds. Similar findings were reported by Padhi (1998); Doyon et al. (1986) and Tsarenko and Karaseva (1986). The average shell thickness for local chickens obtained from the present study was higher than those reported by Fissehaet al., (2010a) for local chickens in Northwest Ethiopia under scavenging conditions. Under intensive management, Aberra et al., (2010) reported a shell thickness of (0.37mm) for Ethiopian naked-neck chickens, which is much higher than observed in the present study. Any blood spot and meat spot not observed on eggshell color and 66.6%, 16.7%, and 16.7% eggshell color were creamy, brown, and white respectively observed in the study area.


Table 1: External egg quality traits the two genotypes and management systems. (n=120)


Mean ± SE






Farm gate


Egg weight(g)


56.8 ±0.51a




Shape index (%)



74.8 ±0.36b


Shell thickness (mm)


0.32 ±0.01a


0.29 ±0.01b


a,b, Means between genotypes and management within a row with different superscript letters are significantly different (p<0.05)

Internal egg quality traits

The Haugh unit (HU) determines the freshness of the albumen quality and thus, the higher the HU the better would be the albumen quality (Aberra, 2007). The result obtained ofHoughunit from farm gate (79.6), exotic (77.3), local (76.6)significantly difference at (p<0.05) from the market (74.3). The result, lower than local and local x fayomi but higher than RIR x local by Misbaet al.,(2011). Also, the yolk index was an egg from farm gate (0.44)and exotic (0.43) significantly difference at (p<0.05) from, local (0.42) and from the market (0.40). This yolk index result was lower than Misbaet al.,(2011). According to the works of Aberra et al., (2010), a yolk index value of (0.45) was obtained for Ethiopian naked-neck chickens under intensive management which is exactly similar to that of RIR x Local genotype. The same authors found a yolk index of (46.3) for F1 crosses of naked-neck with New Hampshire which is comparable to those obtained from Local and Fay x Local genotypes.

The yolk color of the study was non-significant observed which (10.8, 10.9, 10.8, and 10.6) of a local chicken egg, exotic egg, the egg from the farm gate, and egg from the market, respectively, the result was higher than Misbaet al.,(2011) reported. The yolk color values reported in the current study are much lower than observed in Ethiopian naked-neck chickens and their F1 crosses with White Leghorn and New Hampshire breeds under an intensive management system (Aberra et al., 2010). Egg’s internal quality could be influenced by factors like genetic factors, environmental factors (such as temperature and relative humidity), hen age, nutrition status, egg storage condition and storage time (Juliet, 2004). Halima (2007) reported the color of the egg yolk is mainly dependent on the type of ration and the management systems of the chickens. The eggs collected from the local, exotic farm gate and market no significant difference of yolk color. This might be in the study area of all chickens through scavenging access to green plants and other feed sources rich in xanthophyll.

The study indicated that the marketable eggs collected from the study district were relatively good in quality based on the obtained average Haugh unit value (76.9). This might be attributed to good handling and storage of eggs until the sale since egg Haugh unit value is highly correlated with storage condition and duration of eggs. Therefore, interventions focused on increasing awareness of farmers in the proper handling of eggs could be important.


Table 2: Internal egg quality traits the two genotypes and management systems. (n=120)



Mean ± SE








Farm gate


Hough unit







Yolk index







Yolk color


10.9 ±0.22




10.90 ±0.22

a,b,Means between genotypes and management  within a row with different superscript letters are significantly different (p<0.05)

Phenotypic Correlation of External and Internal Egg Quality Traits

The results of this study revealed that egg weight was significantly and positively correlated(P<0.05) with most of other external egg quality traits like; egg weight with egg length, egg weight with egg width (breadth), egg length with and egg width (breadth)(Table3). The result as similar to Misbaet al., (2011) reported that a significant positive correlation was observed between egg weight (EW) and egg length (EL) as well as egg breadth (EB) for the three genotypes of Local, Fay x Local and RIR x Local. Also, Fisseha (2009) also revealed that egg weight was significantly and positively correlated(P<0.05) with most of other external egg quality traits like; egg width, egg length, egg shape index, eggshell thickness, and dry shell weight.

A phenotypic correlation between internal and external egg quality traits statistically significant positive correlation (P<0.05) was observed in between egg length with yolk height, egg width (breath) with yolk height, egg width (breath) with yolk diameter, yolk index with Haugh unit and yolk index with yolk height is presented in (Table 3). The result similar to Fisseha(2009) also revealed that a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) was observed between the albumen height and other egg quality traits like; yolk height and Haugh unit. Also, Misbaet al., (2011) reported that HU and YI were highly positively correlated with albumen height (AH) and yolk height (YH), respectively. Although not significant, a negative correlation between HU and EW was observed for Local and RIR x Local genotypes. In this study, a statistically important negative correlation value was observed between egg shape index with egg length, egg shape index with yolk index, egg shape index with Haugh unit, eggshell thickness with Hough unit, eggshell thickness with yolk diameter, yolk color with yolk index, yolk color with Hough unit and yolk index with yolk diameter.


Table 3: Correlation relationship between internal and external egg quality traits





























































































































































































































* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (p<0.05); ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (p<0.01). EW=egg weight, EST=egg shell thickness, ESI=egg shape index, HU=Haugh unit, YI=yolk index, YC=yolk color, EL=egg length, EB=egg breadth, YH=yolk height, YD=yolk diameter, Correlation (with p in bracket) relationship between various internal and external egg quality traits for eggs of local and exotic from farm gate and market (n=120), Highlighted values in the body correspond to significantly correlated variables.


External egg quality traits of egg weight from exotic and market higher than from local breed and farm gate, it might be the difference were because of genetic (breed) difference and in the market, the farmer provides big size eggs. Internal egg quality trait, yolk index from the farm gate, and exotic significant difference egg from local and markets. Its shows internal egg quality traits Haugh unit (HU) determines the freshness of the albumen quality and, it might be because of weight loss during transportation and marketing. Any blood spot and meat spot not observed on eggshell color and 66.6%, 16.7%, and 16.7% eggshell color was creamy, brown, and white, respectively, observed in the study area.



This piece of work is funded by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), LIVIS. The authors are grateful to all interviewed village chicken owners, and other participants who assisted with every activity of this work.



 The author received funding for this study from LIVIS project.



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