Husbandry practices of Simada Cattle Population in Three Districts of North-Western

Keywords: Feed, Husbandry, Population, Simada cattle



The study was conducted to assess husbandry practices of Simada cattle population in three districts of North-Western Ethiopia. Data were collected through semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions, and field observations. A total of 180 households 60 from each district were randomly selected to fill the structured questionnaire. The study revealed that the average cattle herd size was 6.51± .094 heads per household. The purposes of keeping cattle were for traction, milk production, income generation, trashing of crop, manure (to increase soil fertility), social status and meat. Natural pasture and crop byproducts were major feed sources in study area.Most of the respondents housed cattle at night and part of the day. The major sources of water for livestock were rivers, pond, springs/streams and temporary water. Constraints of cattle production were feed shortage, disease, and lack of improved breeds ranking 1st, 2nd and 3rd, respectively. Feed shortage is the most limiting factor for cattle production in the study area and need to be addressed. Provision of strong extension services to farmers for feed resource development and training them in basic principles of collection, storage of harvested feed resources and crop residues should be required.


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How to Cite
Tsega M. Husbandry practices of Simada Cattle Population in Three Districts of North-Western. Glob. J. Anim. Sci. Res. [Internet]. 2020Aug.6 [cited 2024May5];8(3):1-13. Available from:
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