Evaluation of egg quality from Exotic and local chicken farm gate and market in Lume district Oromia region, Ethiopia

Keywords: Egg Quality, Exotic, Local, farm gate, Market


The study aimed at evaluation of egg quality from exotic and local chicken farm gates and markets in lume district Oromia region, Ethiopia. A total of 120 eggs from the local and exotic chicken was collected, 60 local eggs from farm gate and market (30 eggs from three kebele farm gate and 30 eggs from three market place) and 60 exotic eggs from farm gate and market (30 eggs from three kebele farm gate and 30 eggs from three market place). There was a significant difference (p>0.05) in eggshell thickness among the two genotypes and the two management systems. The result in mm was (0.32 and 0.32) of from market and exotic higher than local and farm gate (0.30 and 0.29), respectively. The result obtained of Hough unit from farm gate (79.6), exotic (77.3), local (76.6) significantly difference at (p<0.05) from the market (74.3). Yolk index was an egg from farm gate (0.44) and exotic (0.43) significantly difference at (p<0.05) from, local (0.42) and from the market (0.40). Egg weight was significantly and positively correlated (P<0.05) with most of other external egg quality traits like; egg weight with egg length, egg weight with egg width (breadth), egg length with and egg width (breadth). A phenotypic correlation between internal and external egg quality traits statistically significant positive correlation (P<0.05) was observed in between egg length with yolk height, egg width (breath) with yolk height, egg width (breath) with yolk diameter, yolk index with Haugh unit and yolk index with yolk height. In all egg from the market and exotic higher mean value in egg weight, shape index, shell thickness whereas egg from local, exotic, farm gate higher mean value Hough unit.


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How to Cite
Guteta A. Evaluation of egg quality from Exotic and local chicken farm gate and market in Lume district Oromia region, Ethiopia. Glob. J. Anim. Sci. Res. [Internet]. 2021Aug.13 [cited 2024May10];9(2):17-. Available from: http://gjasr.com/index.php/GJASR/article/view/80
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